Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Why is it we say things like, "it was a typical Monday."? What is it about Mondays? I kind of like Mondays - I love "starts." Monday is the start of a new week.

Yeah - right.  Yesterday, Monday ... not so great.

I woke up to torrential rain. It was dark out and rainy, rainy, rainy. My plan was a playdate with my sewing buddies but I really wanted to wait until the rain let up some.

I settled in with hot coffee and some knitting and suddenly the sun came out. I started to gather up my sewing stuff and it started pouring rain again. I'm talking - buckets!

I moved on to my sewing room and started playing with these.  It's Monday - why not start something new!
 It stopped raining (again), so I grabbed my stuff and jumped in the car ... only to realize that I needed gas. As in - the "needs gas" light is on; I headed straight to the gas station. $53.00 later - I have a full tank of gas,

AND ...

wait for it ...

a dead battery!

And ... because a long time ago, we had 2 teenaged female drivers in the house ... I have (and have never needed nor used) AAA.  While waiting (and waiting) for help - I just happened to have some handsewing with me and got a lot done on my Sue Spargo class project.

Michael, from AlleyCat Towing to the rescue. 2 hours (and $125) later, the battery is replaced, car is full of gas, it's not raining, the sun is out and it's about 8000 degrees and I'm "glowing."

After all that - I deserved a treat.
 Back home to wash up/change clothes and I decided that maybe, just maybe - I was supposed to stay home and I did.

I worked on a new quilt design and made 3 (of the 9) blocks.
So ... moral of this LONG story ...
sometimes Mondays are Mondays ... and that can be a good thing or not.


Susan said...

And what a Monday you had! I hope Tuesday is a lot less expensive for you!

Jocelyn said...

Wow Mary, you had quite a Monday!! Let's hope the rest of the week turns out better ;-)

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Yep, sounds like you were meant to stay home on Monday. At least your car is all ready for the next time you decide to venture out.
Love the block you made!!

WoolenSails said...

Love those fabrics and the colors in your new block, can't wait to see more.


Dawn said...

We missed you, but it does sound like you were meant to stay at home yesterday! By the way, I love the block :)