Monday, July 18, 2011


Remember when I made this and there were leftover bits?

I figured some average size measurements of some of the chunks and made this ...

Originally I was thinking I'd go rectangluar but it just didn't work as well. So now - tabletopper, maybe?

There were also several (16) cut-off triangles that I sewed together and squared up but I don't think they're going to make into this project ... HURRAY! I'm going to get 2 additional little quilts from this!

This is what I have left to work with ...

My goal is to NOT add any additonal fabric. All this was leftovers from a kit and it's all I plan to use for the tops of hopefully 2 more small quilts.
I couldn't resist ... one more of Harleigh, the Wonder Dog, playing at the Dog Beach.


Donna Badgett said...

Well, let's have enough triangles for four pinwheels -- maybe at the corners of a scrappy quilt?

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Love the look of your first quilt, it gives the illusion of circles.

Quiltstory said...

This looks so great!! Well done!