Friday, September 8, 2017

IRMA still waiting

Once all the prep is done, waiting for a hurricane is B.O.R.I.N.G.  It's really weird sitting in a dark house with all the windows boarded up and then walking outside onto the patio and it's a beautiful sunny day.

All reports indicate that while this is still a huge storm, and we are taking it very seriously, it looks like it will be downgraded a lot before reaching us here on the Space Coast.

I really did prep lots of handwork as we will most likely lose power.  Today, I was working some of it.  I probably should have been doing some machine stuff while I could but here was this lovely sewing just waiting for me.

I worked a bit on my Flower Garden Border #3, while listening to a couple of TED Talks.

And then I moved on to my Hemp Sweater.

I'm pretty sure I've screwed up something on this.  It is now back in the knitting bag and will be in time out until next week when I can go back to the shop for help.  Which is actually pretty great, because I really wanted to work on my hand-dyed shawl but felt a bit obligated to pay attention to my sweater.

I think I'll wind a little more yarn ... just in case.


Pat said...

I actually went to Spring Water today to ask exactly where you had moved. And now I'm just seeing it on your blog. Duhhhh! Anyway, best of luck to you in the coming chaos. I hope it isn't too bad.

doodlebugmom said...

stay safe!

UplayOnline said...

best of luck to you in the coming chaos. I hope it isn't too bad.


Unknown said...

Thinking of you and hoping it will pass over. Stay safe