Monday, January 30, 2012


This is on my design wall -right now.  I hope to actually work on this quilt today.  I did reject that pieced sashing for this quilt - just overwhelmed it. Put I think it will work for this.

These 9 blocks were part of my guild's "Take home some orphans" night. I guess that makes me the foster mother. and I really need to do something with 600 1/2-square triangles that were gifted to me.

This is what's on my needles right now...for the second time. No - not a second sock. I got this far last week and had to ripitripitripit. I needed to move up a needle size or these pretty socks wouldn't have fit me.

If you're on Ravelry and haven't discovered the Knitters Brewing Company group, you are missing out on a LOT of fun and a very helpful/knowledge group of knitters.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Love me some knitted socks! But I don't know how to knit. Have fun working on your quilt today...can't wait to see how it comes out, looks good so far!