Monday, May 9, 2011


Without a whole lot of lead time, the Cute Husband decided we finally needed to take our trip to Tennessee.  We tried 3 years ago (got sidetracked by a daughter's wedding).  We tried 2 years (my Dad died). We didn't try last year (Sturgis, SD trip).  Decision made, a week later - we were on the road ...

We saw some pretty devasting tornado damage on Interstate 81 (VA).

As bad as it looks on TV ... it's even worse actually seeing it.

In the Great Smoky Mountains, beer is served in quarts (or pints).  Did you know that's where the phrase, "mind your P's and Q's" comes from?

The views were (are!) spectacular.  The signs for "leave the bears alone" were a bit intimidating, but we never did see a bear.


We actually did shop here ...

But we also shopped here ...
It's probably not an original thought ... but I've unofficially decided - the 3 stars on the TN flag stand for the 3 distinct areas of the state, famous for 3 distinct types of music ... bluegrass in the mountain, blues in Memphis, and country music in Nashville.  We did it all!

PS ... Pigeon Forge (famous for being Dolly Parton's hometown) is right next to Gatlinburg.  We did spend an afternoon there.  VERY tacky and fun!


Jocelyn said...

Oh how fun! When our children were little we used to go there every summer following a conference in Knoxville. My in laws had a place just over the Smoky Mountain in Bryson City. Such pretty country.

Susan said...

My dad was born and raised in a small town in that area. I always enjoyed our trips to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, but it's been a long time since I've been back to visit. Thanks for the virtual trip!