Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Here's the rest of the story from yesterday.

From this pile ...

 came these fat quarters (plus a little border and binding fabric),

and some of this ... (sorry - Blogger turned the photo sideways).

After the quilting (and binding was done), I added the chenille - SO EASY - and into the washing machine.

TA DAH!  This little cutely couldn't have been easier to make.  The piecing took less than a hour, the quilting another hour, add in a 1/2 hour each for binding and chenille stitching and a baby quilt is born!

AND ... while all of that was going on - I also did 3 loads of laundry and cooked dinner.


Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

You are super woman :) The quilt is darling. How did you anchor down the chenille?

Karen G. said...

Mary that is sooo cute!! I love it.