Sunday, December 23, 2018

Sometimes ... !

The "Unrealistic Christmas Expectations List" is now finished for 2018. A lot was crossed off and a lot actually got done. Somethings are being pushed to the "General 2019" list and some to the "Christmas 2019" list … it's never-ending.

In the DONE column … a new (and bigger) sweater for Sweet Amelia.

Sometimes - it just works out that way.  The knitting was done during evening TV - hockey and cop dramas (and little bit of Outlander!!).

Sometimes the perfect yarn is right there in the bin.
It was from the Grocery Girls K2TogSock Club - a skein and a mini.

Sometimes the search for buttons leads to the Scary Closet.
Right there in the middle - all the buttons.

Stashed in bins and jars and boxes
mostly old, some really old

Sometimes - the perfect ones appear as soon as the box comes off the shelf.

The perfect sweater, ready to be wrapped and under the tree.
Seriously … the LAST gift.
This time I mean it!

Sometimes, it just works.

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