Monday, December 7, 2015


My Christmas gift list has 26 names ... Yes, I did type that correctly - Twenty Six. Some of those 26 get multiple gifts and I have to mail 4 boxes to 3 different states. AND ... I do Mom's gift list too.  She only has 22 names on her list. We overlap on 18 names.  Ok - I'm tired just typing that!

Today I wrapped gifts, made lists, checked stuff off my old lists and made an ornament.

It's a start ...

Yesterday was a play day at Spring Water Designs.  We had FUN from AtoZ!!!

Taking Kid#1 out to lunch for her birthday.

Quilting !!! Unless something else creeps up higher on the LIST.

1 comment:

WoolenSails said...

It does seem like we overwhelm ourselves at Christmas.
I will do some things but I know I can't do it all, so I will just do what I can and that will be enough this year;)
