Wednesday, February 1, 2012


The other day I was in bag making mode. I'm going to demo/teach a couple of "make 'n take" projects at my guild retreat in 2 weeks.  There's tons of tutorials on bags and zippers and such - that's how I came up with this variation of a wallet ...

The lower right corner looks weird because it's not finished. I need to have the wallet in several stages for the demo and I don't actually have one in the "all finished" stage yet.

This is the other one I'm doing - this one is finished.

It's called Sweet Treats and came from the Moda Bakeshop. The lining and outside are all one piece. It's very cool how it goes together.

Now that I've made this one the "right" way. I'm going to play around with it and maybe add some pockets and a strap.  Just thinking here ...

1 comment:

Debby Brown said...

Wish I could come to your demo! I do love the Sweet Treats bag (I've made about 20 of them) and like you, have made some fun changes. Show us what you do!