Tuesday, January 3, 2012


First completed UFO for 2012!

This quilt was made with the Square-in-a-Square ruler. I made it for a class I taught to a guild in VA - I think the guild is Lake Gaston Piecemakers.
The top was made in 2009. Quilted and bound today.

And - because I had all the ingredients but ran out of time over the Christmas holidays - I made a white chocolate peppermint cheesecake.

I might send all but 2 pieces to work tomorrow with the Cute Husband. Otherwise - I might just have to eat it all.

My goal today was to finish the top - Sunflowers in My Garden. I've made excellent progress, just have a little handstitching to do on the ric-rac ... I LOVE ric-rac. 


Donna Badgett said...

Oh no! Save me a piece! Can you make (or freeze) some for the 25th? Love the SNS Christmas tree.

Diane Kelsey said...

Love the Christmas tree, not heard of the ruler before. Idea for the Cheesecake sounds lovely.

Sharon-IN said...

Yum! The cheese cake sure sounds good and a fitting celebration for finishing the Christmas Tree quilt!

JudyCinNC said...

One step ahead for next Christmas presents. Good finish. Judy C