Saturday, January 14, 2012


WOO HOO! There is one less UFO in my house.

"Walk in the NIght Garden" is done - quilted, bound and labeled.  This is a Pat Sloan design, from her book "Folksie Favorites. This quilt was started 2 (maybe 3?) years ago. What a good feeling!

 Friday was a great day all around ... look what arrived in the mail ...
It's Knit Picks Stroll in DK weight. I feel the start of a sweater coming on this weekend.


Betsy said...

Your quilt is stunning. I have always wanted to make this one but so short on time and so many projects to make.

West Michigan Quilter said...

Your quilt is beautiful. It almost looks 3D. I had to take a second look to make sure.

WoolenSails said...

Your quilt is gorgeous, beautiful work and i like it in those shades.


Karen said...

You quilt caught my eye when I was scrolling through some blogs. Beautiful! Your colors are good. Well, everything looks good about it. Congratulations on your finish.

Donna Badgett said...

Nice work, Mary! By the way, what is DK weight? I'm waiting for my yarn to arrive, too, and looking forward to the first sock clue in Ravelry.