Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Sunday was my birthday.  And it was a very happy birthday!

 Family and friends, cards and presents and the traditional "birthday pie"

Just kidding about the traditional part.  With the weather turning cooler, I had a hankering for apple pie.  I make really good apple pie so I decided to make my own birthday cake this year.  We had birthday pie!

I started a new knitting project.  It's a mystery shawl from She-Knits.  The mystery is the stitch pattern and shape. I'm quite pleased with the colors and how it's turning out.  Each Wednesday we get a new "clue."  I'm not ready yet for the next part.  There will be knitting going on tonight - I have to do about 20 more rows.


Susan said...

Happy birthday, Mary! I love the colors that you chose for your shawl...it's going to be so pretty!

Jocelyn said...

Happy birthday Mary! I hope you had a wonderful day :-)

WoolenSails said...

Happy Birthday to you!
I don't knit, I get too distracted to make perfect rows, lol.


Dawn said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Being away from home and not on Facebook, I missed it!
Let me know when we can get together and sew :)

rental mobil jakarta said...

Very nice, thanks for sharing