Wednesday, August 3, 2011


While at Quilt Odyssey, last Thursday, I took an all-day class with Sue Spargo.  There aren't enough complimentary words to describe her work.

 The simplisity of shapes may be humble, but the embellishment is far from humble.

Her samplers are works in progress ... many threads, many stitches

Each of her quilts has so much to look at and admire. Sue takes folk art to a whole new level!

Seems like I never did take a picture of the class project, "Red Clover" - sorry about that.  I finished one block and have started #2. Tomorrow - photos, I promise.


Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I love all of Sue Spargo's work. I look forward to seeing the blocks you have made!

WoolenSails said...

I would love to take a class with her and learn all the stitching and embellishing. I think it would be fun and I would have someone to guide me when I got stuck on a stitch.


Kathy MacKie said...

A dream come true would be a class with Sue Spargo.