Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Our vacation certainly hasn't turned out as we had planned. BUT ... we managed to avoid the wrath of Irene.

My sister lives in Vermont. They are safe and dry. Their home and property are undamaged. They have a generator.

But ...
much of VT is very damaged.

These are photos she sent me from her phone.

 All of these photos are of roads.

Who ever would have thought Vermonters would suffer so much from a tropical storm?!

I can't really complain about my vacation when I look at these photos.


Donna Badgett said...

Terrible! I've heard that there are many towns in VT that are completely cut off because of flooding and road damage. Glad to hear Goofy 1(is that right?) is fine.

Pat said...

I'm saddened by the damage in Vermont. I'm glad your sister was spared any problems.