Wednesday, April 21, 2010


A couple of times a year, I spend the weekend with a small group of women. We share a passion for food, fabric, and fun. And not necessarily in that order! We started calling ourselves the "Quarter Bees" because this little quilting bee only planned to meet 4 times a year. We've managed to sneak in a couple of extra daytime gatherings but it still involves - fabric, fun and food.

Last weekend was such a gathering. We were in the westernest (is that a word?) part of Maryland, in a quiet, tranquil setting. 6 very different women ... we had a blast - we were neither quiet nor tranquil!

This picture is a fabulous representation of how the weekend went - he's a bear (obviously?). He's made of zebra striped fabric. Teresa tried out 3 different styles of ears, we voted ... and when she wasn't looking ... Cappy added the black gloved reindeer antlers. Poor thing is having a big identity crisis.

Here we are on Saturday night, happily stuffing away until the wee hours.
And ...the big - TA DA - moment ...

Aren't they just the cuties little bunch of bears!
A time it was!
I'm leaving out the part about the invasion of the stink bugs - you sorted had to be there.

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