OK - honestly - he moved the mulch - lots and lots of mulch and I raked it. At the end of the day, we were 1/2 done. Just 1/2, and if you're good at math ... that leaves another 1/2 to be done tomorrow. Today does not involve mulch or rakes. Today, he will be heading off to the MD Eastern Shore on his motorcycle and I will be heading off to a quilt shop (or 2!).
In the meantime ... here it is ... the Buffalo Ridge quilt - and it's done, baby ... done, done, done! This quilt was mostly done with my ProStitcher, the computer system for the Handiquilter.

All I can say is, WOW! It looks great!
Mary - What a stunning quilt and love the quilting.
Great quilting! And the fabrics are just perfect! Love the whole thing!
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