Is it snowing at your house? HOLY MOLY ... we're having a blizzard! It's been snowing since Tuesday afternoon and it's still snowing Wednesday evening. Here's the cute husband playing with his new snowblower. Who would have thought we'd need a snowblower? Some years we get a winter total of 12". So far this year ... 77.5" and it's still snowing!

Here's our mailbox. Not sure if the mail carrier can even get to it.

After the 20+ inches we got over the weekend, the cute husband cleared off the deck table. Here it is at 11:00 this morning. It's 8:00 at night and still snowing.

So ... that's how cute husband spent HIS day. This is how I spent MY day. I cut out the pieces to make this bag exactly a year ago. It's for carrying a cutting mat and rulers. Today - finished!

Here's the apron I cut out before Christmas and never sewed a stitch. Today - finished! This isn't a great picture - the apron is really much cuter.

AND ... because I needed to have a project that would allow me to watch the snow ... did I mention we have A LOT of snow? I decided to learn how to make "toe-up" socks and to double the learning curve ... 2 at a time socks! So far, so good.

Just heard on TV - we've gotten 20+ inches AGAIN today. That's over 40" in a week!
Looks like you have been very productive.
That's a ton of snow!!! Wow! Love all your finishes. Thanks for sharing.
Looking at your pictures I realize I should stop complaining about snow, but enough already, where is the spring?
Well done finishing two old projcts, they both look great!
OMG...20 inches of snow...not seen snow fall yet..
I made a similar bag for my's very handy...right
cute apron too.
I absolutely a.dore this apron!! :o)
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