Saturday, February 20, 2010


The cute husband bought me this for Christmas several years ago. His words, "it's a really cool Swiss Army knife sort of thing for quilters." And he was SO proud! I always have it in my traveling sewing box and have honestly never used it. It's got little teeny scissors, a little teeny rotary cutter, a little teeny seam ripper, a little teeny seam gauge, a little teeny awl, a little teeny screwdriver and magnifier and probably some other little teeny things that I don't even know about.
And here is my friend Tara at our retreat last weekend. She needed a screwdriver to make an emergency machine repair and I got to be the hero! YAY for the cute husband! You just never know when you're going to need a "Swiss Army knife sort of sewing thing for quilters."


free indeed said...

Sweetheart! He came close to getting you something that goes with what you hubs even after 30 years, still hasn't quite got it.....

Jocelyn said...

I love anything that says Bernina :-)