Good morning and Happy Friday! I really should be doing many other things right now. Spending time drinking coffee and reading blogs wasn't on the "list." But - after a few minutes of surfin' around the blog world, I thought I would put up a few random pictures and disconnectedness ... just for fun!
These are socks that I finally finished on Christmas afternoon. It was a KAL with
Knitters Brewing. They were supposed to look like Zebra Stripes but I couldn't quite get the hang of it so mine were spirals. I LOVE the color and all-around funkiness of these socks. The toe is garter stitch and quite cushy.

Next up ... oops ... the pictures are not in the correct order. Anyway - this is the back of my Crazy Christmas Trees quilt. Some left over 9-patch blocks and other bits and pieces of old Christmas fabric. That's my friend Starlyn on the left and
Dawn's arm on the right. Piecing the back took a bit of time but what a great use of fabric!

Here's the front of Crazy Christmas Trees. This quilt took a couple of years to complete. It kept creeping to the bottom of the "to do" pile. This year ... I was determined to finish it and have it on the bed. And I did!

Not quilt related AT ALL ... but too cute not to share. In Novemeber 2009, my cute husband and I went on a 7 day cruise to the Bahamas. I was still recovery from surgery and he was recovery from H1N1 so we spent a lot of time in deck chairs, relaxing, enjoying umbrella drinks, and each others company. AND - every night we were surprised to find a different towel animal in our cabin. Here's the line up - a bunny, a bulldog, an octopus, an elepant and a (?) dinasaur. They actually had a workshop and a book for sale on how to make towel animals. We did not attend, nor did we purchase the book. Too bad though - it might be fun to leave one these on the bed for the cute husband! He would think (again) I have WAY too much time on my hands!

And last, I told you these pictures were out of order ... another quilt. This was a table topper I made last year for the quilt shop were I used to work. The fabric line is Merry and Bright from Sandy Gervais. It is VERY merry and bright!

I think this blog post is a good indicator of the path I'm on today. Lots of random, disconnectedness for me. Enjoy your day!
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