Monday, October 9, 2017

Not a "B Side"

As much as I like pieced quilt backs, no all backs get a "B Side" designation.  This one is a nice back, pieced with smallish bit of yardage and some leftover chunks. A nice back but not necessarily a "B Side" quilt back.

It sort of goes with the front.

The chunks were not enough to save for another quilt front and the yardage ... not sure where this came from or what I might have been thinking of using it for ... except maybe a back.

This quilt is currently on my bed.

I'm starting to feel a bit back-obsessed!

Full disclosure ... while My Cute Husband was holding up the quilt (backside) for a photo, I realized that the floral yardage is upside down.  As this quilt is square, it's only upside down compared to the label.

My quilt life ...

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