Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Seriously ... I am a tidy person.  Honest I am. Ask anyone ... even my kids.  My daughter told Donna recently, "my Mom and Dad are the tidiest people I know!"  And she really meant it.

BUT ... I can not for the life of me keep my sewing room cleaned up.  Bags and boxes and piles and STUFF everywhere ...

Yesterday - a chain reaction that belonged in an Adam Sandler movie ... some stuff started to slip off the table, I tried to grab it, unsucessfully, which startled the dog, who woofed, which scared the cat, who jumped up and ran, which startled me and I knocked more stuff off the table ... which you can see laying there on the floor.

And yes ... sadly - here it is 24 hours later and that stuff is STILL laying on the floor.

BUT ... I'm making great progress on this quilt ...
These are blocks that I won at my guild retreat last February - a year ago.  It really is time they became a quilt.  Happily, my sister has very kindly given me a wedding to attend, next month ... her stepson is getting married and this will make the perfect gift.

I will pick up that stuff off the floor ... later ... maybe tomorrow ... if it snows ... but it is 43 degrees outside right now.


Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

LOL! I am the same way. I bar the door to sewing room/office when company comes. The rest of the house looks great but the back room is a mess - but I understand the filing system (bags, piles, boxes, etc.) Love the quilt you are working on!

Jocelyn said...

Oh my Mary, I have the same problem. I am trying to straighten up my stash closet and I can't believe what a mess it is!!!

WoolenSails said...

That's about how my room looks, lol.
I guess it is time to reorganize again;)


Donna Badgett said...

Just remember, Mary. Genius needs space to create. It does not need to pay attention to picky little details like tidiness. Besides, your lurkim looks more welcoming this way -- sort of like a nest!

Katie M. said...

I prefer to call it "organized confusion". Just because no one else can find something, doesn't mean I can't :-)

Donna Badgett said...

Kinda like the Lucille Ball method of filing...