Friday, February 11, 2011


This quilt is called "Quilting Purr-fection".  It's a sweet (not so little) quilt that I made this morning.  It's a shop sample and there are kits available at And Sew It Goes.  I don't work there any more but sometimes I still make stuff for them.

While making the flying geese for the quilt, there are parts that get cut off.  Some people actually throw these away ... gasp!! ... I just can NOT imagine doing that.

When I get to the end of some chain pieceing - I put a pair those little babies under the needle and stitch them together.

Bonnie Hunter calls these ... Leaders and Enders.  She's famous and writes books and teaches everywhere. 

I'm not famous and have never written a book ... I'm thifty.  That's a nice waying of saying "cheap."  I've been doing these little "sew offs" forever.  Trim them up and now I've got myself some 2.5" half-square triangles.

For very little effort, I have 48 little BONUS blocks all ready to go for another project.

Do you love my project storage box?  It's what my deli sandwich came in last week.

"Quilting Purr-fection"

Any time I get some bonus sewing done ... that's PURR-FECTION!

1 comment:

Donna Badgett said...

Oh my land! You put me to shame. I spent all day on Lucinda, and I'm still not done! Great quilt, Mary!