Monday, January 9, 2012


First week of participating in the stash report. I think keeping track is going to be VERY good for me. It's not a "no buy" challenge but I do feel a teeny bit guilty for buying more than I used. 
 BUT ... there are very good excuses, er, reasons ...
  1. I worked on (and finished!) something from December so I only needed backing.
  2. I completed a UFO, and only needed backing/binding
  3. I shopped with a couple of quilty (not guilty) friends and we went to Obies, in Goodville, PA. THAT is reason enough!

Yes, bloggy friends, it really and truly looks like this. Lighting isn't great, aisles are small and crowded. Bolts are jammed packed and it often takes 2 people to get 1 out. 1 person holds the shelf while the other pulls the bolt. 

I do believe that Obies has every fabric ever made. Bolts and bolts of novelty fabrics (I really needed pickles). Lots of new stuff but LOTS of older stuff too. It's great to go and just have a good laugh even if you don't buy anything ... but of course we did buy. Who can pass up fabric that ranges from $2.50 to $6.50 a yard. 
We stopped at a couple of other shops too and they also have great prices but Obies is just so bizarre. Not a place to go if you have claustrophia!

purchased this week: 12 yards
used this week: 2 2/3 yards
net total: + 9 1/3 yards

I really hope those numbers look different next week.


Sherry said...

My DH & I love to go to Obie's!!

In fact, most of our quilt trips revolve around when Obie's is going to be open.

I do have to admit, though, that the last time I was there with some friends of mine that there were some aisles that I just could not go down because the bolts on either side took up too much space.

Did you happen to go to the antique/consignment shop next door? They had some fun quilty things there on my last visit.

Anonymous said...

And the week after !

Donna Badgett said...

One of my guild members mentioned Obie's a few weeks ago. I didn't know you were going, but now I see what it looks like. Whew! But worth it for those prices. Next October the guild is going on retreat (24 of us)to the Lancaster area and will get to visit Obie's then. Meanwhile, keep up the good work adding to your stash under the pretext of NOT buying fabric, heh, heh, heh.

SassyCathy said...

I want to go there! Honestly! I am looking for yardage of an older Aunt Grace Anniversary print. It's the Black Scotty with a Red Coat on a Cream/White background with tiny dots. By any chance have you seen that one?
Where is Obies?
Maybe I will get to drop by some day on a trip?
Thank you for sharing
Cathy Byrd