Tuesday, April 5, 2011


This morning I had to take the grand-dog out for her morning stroll.  To be honest - this isn't nearly the hardship that I lead Daughter #2 (dog-mom) to believe.

The whole thing takes about 15 minutes and she's very well behaved.

Don't for a second think that we live in a lovely wooded area.  We do live in a lovely, suburban neighborhood.  These photos were taken with my feet firmly planted in one spot.  I simply turned around.  At the end of our cul-de-sac is a small area of trees and brush that end up no where but it's a great place for a quick dog walk.

15 minutes later - back home, with lots of signs that spring is really here.

Harleigh, the Wonder Dog ... time to get back to the business of today.

Me?  I'm still working on my felting project - hopefully a "TA-DAH" photo tomorrow.


Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Harleigh looks like a fun dog. Isn't it wonderful to see Spring finally arriving?

Donna Badgett said...

I felted three roving balls yesterday. It's harder than it looks! Mine aren't perfect, but it's a learning process.
Love Harleigh. Love the dogwoods (ohhhh -- a play on words!) Love the pink flowering shrub/tree.

WoolenSails said...

Windy and rain today, so my pup takes his own walk, lol. He is trained to stay in the yard, so I just keep an eye on him while he is out watering the yard;)
