In time for AmyLouWho's Sew 'n Tell (check out the button on the side bar!) ... Fantasy Star is completed ... well, the top is finished. I look at quilts as really needing 2 separate "finishes." First the top gets finshed, then when the quilting (and binding) are done - that qualifies as another finish.

I also managed to quilt and bind these 2 table toppers. They've been pieced for months (or years?).
I made this pattern up, using a honey bun - 1.5" strips.

Those are all gorgeous! I LOVE your quilting on them!
Thanks for sharing!
Love them Mary. Great job.
That's a lot of finishes in one week! Wow!
You win "Super Quilter" for the week for me. I love the quilting on the table toppers! Awesomely beautiful!
Your quilt top is beautiful and I love the quilting on the smaller ones.
What a productive week! Congrats on all your finishes! I share your "double finishes" approach to quilting: first the top, then the quilting/binding! Goodness knows, they're often so far apart from each other they feel like totally different projects!
everything looks great!! beautiful quilting
I agree about what qualifies as a finish. I think its great to see a quilt top before it is quilted and bound. I am always amazed at how a quilt changes (for the better) once it is quilted and bound. Your quilt top is lovely and congratulations on finishing your older projects. Feels good I bet.
Absolutely! The top and back are just as much a project to finish as the quilting. I love the sweet table toppers. The heart quilting is beautiful.
That border is amazing on the top quilt and looks harder than what you say it was.
Nice finishes--the quilt is very nice.
You've accomplished quite a bit! I agree with the two finishes when it comes to quilting. Thanks for sharing!
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